Knowledge Base

NAG library

NAG library on RACC2

There is only one version, Mark 30. Module files are not provided because it would just make it more confusing. Please source the supplier’s configuration script which will set up the environmental variables according to the selected options. Refer to the supplier instructions at You also need to manually export the variable with the location of the license file.

New NAG Library, Mark 30 for Intel or GNU C /C++ and Intel Fortran, 32bit and 64bit integers together

License until 2025/07/31, please ask for renewing if using the software after this date.

Intel Fortran example, with 64bit integers
racc2-login-0:~$ module load compilers/intel/ 
racc2-login-0:~$ export NAG_KUSARI_FILE=/software/applications/NAG/nag_key.txt
racc2-login-0:~$ . /software/applications/NAG/nll6i30dbl/scripts/ int64 vendor static NAG Library Mark 30.0.0, implementation NLL6I30DBL
racc2-login-0:~$ cp /software/applications/NAG/nll6i30dbl/f_examples/source/a00adfe.f90 ./
racc2-login-0:~$ ${NAGLIB_F77} ${NAGLIB_FFLAGS} ${NAGLIB_INCLUDE} a00adfe.f90 ${NAGLIB_LINK}
racc2-login-0:~$ ./a.out 
A00ADF Example Program Results

*** Start of NAG Library implementation details ***

Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, Intel Classic C/C++ or Intel Classic Fortran
Precision: Fortran double precision
Product Code: NLL6I30DBL
Mark: 30.0
Vendor Library: MKL 2021.0.4
Applicable to:
hardware: x86_64
operating system: Linux 4.11.12-100.fc24.x86_64
Fortran compiler: Intel Classic Fortran Compiler Version 2021.4.0 Build 20210910_000000
and compatible systems.
Licence query: Successful

*** End of NAG Library implementation details ***

This program was run on the following date:
*** ----------------------------------------- ***

NAG library on RACC – discontinued, license not updated

We recommend you use Mark 27 versions. Module files are not provided because it would just make it more confusing. Please source the supplier’s configuration script which will set up the environmental variables according to the selected options. Refer to the supplier instructions at You also need to manually export the variable with the location of the license file.

New NAG Library, Mark 27 for Intel C /C++ and Intel Fortran, 32bit and 64bit integers together
$ module load intel/
$ export NAG_KUSARI_FILE=/share/apps/libraries/nag/license.dat
$ . /share/apps/libraries/nag/nll6i27dbl/scripts/ int64 vendor static
$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/nll6i27dbl/f_examples/source/a00adfe.f90 ./
$ ./a.out 
 A00ADF Example Program Results
*** Start of NAG Library implementation details ***

Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, Intel C/C++ or Intel Fortran
           Precision: Fortran double precision
        Product Code: NLL6I27DBL
                Mark: 27.0
      Vendor Library: MKL 2019.0.3
Applicable to:
            hardware: x86_64
    operating system: Linux 4.11.12-100.fc24.x86_64
    Fortran compiler: Intel ifort Version 20190206
and compatible systems.
       Licence query: Successful

*** End of NAG Library implementation details ***
 This program was run on the following date:
 *** ----------------------------------------- ***
New NAG Library, Mark 27 for GNU C/C++ and GNU Fortran, 32bit and 64bit integers together
$ module load gcc/8.4.0
$ export NAG_KUSARI_FILE=/share/apps/libraries/nag/license.dat
$ . /share/apps/libraries/nag/nll6i27dgl/scripts/ int64 vendor static
$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/nll6i27dbl/f_examples/source/a00adfe.f90 ./
$ ./a.out 
 A00ADF Example Program Results

*** Start of NAG Library implementation details ***

Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, GNU C or GNU Fortran
           Precision: Fortran double precision
        Product Code: NLL6I27DGL
                Mark: 27.0
      Vendor Library: MKL 2019.0.3
Applicable to:
            hardware: x86_64
    operating system: Linux 4.18.12-200.fc28.x86_64
    Fortran compiler: GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.1.1 20180712 (Red Hat 8.1.1-5)
and compatible systems.
       Licence query: Successful

*** End of NAG Library implementation details ***

 This program was run on the following date:
 *** ----------------------------------------- ***

Older versions:

Mark 26 versions that are listed here (fll6i26dfl, fll6i26dcl, cll6i262cl, cll6i261dl) are no longer in use, please use mark 27 versions instead, it is backward compatible.
GNU Fortran
[qx901702@racc-login-0-1 tmp]$ module load gcc/6.4.0
[qx901702@racc-login-0-1 tmp]$ module load nag/fll6i26dfl-gfortran
[qx901702@racc-login-0-1 tmp]$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/fll6i26dfl/examples/source/a00adfe.f90 ./
[qx901702@racc-login-0-1 tmp]$ gfortran a00adfe.f90
[qx901702@racc-login-0-1 tmp]$ ./a.out
 A00ADF Example Program Results

*** Start of NAG Library implementation details ***

Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, GNU Fortran (32-bit integers)
           Precision: Fortran double precision
        Product Code: FLL6I26DFL
                Mark: 26.0
      Vendor Library: None
Applicable to:
            hardware: x86_64
    operating system: Linux 4.4.14-200.fc22.x86_64
    Fortran compiler: GNU Fortran (GCC) 5.3.1 20160406 (Red Hat 5.3.1-6)
and compatible systems.
       Licence query: Successful

*** End of NAG Library implementation details ***

 This program was run on the following date:
 *** ----------------------------------------- ***
Intel Fortran
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load intel/2018.2.199
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load nag/fll6i26dcl-ifort
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/fll6i26dcl/examples/source/a00adfe.f90 ./
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ifort a00adfe.f90 -o a00adfe.exe
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ./a00adfe.exe
 A00ADF Example Program Results

*** Start of NAG Library implementation details ***

Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, Intel Fortran (32-bit integers)
           Precision: Fortran double precision
        Product Code: FLL6I26DCL
                Mark: 26.0
      Vendor Library: None
Applicable to:
            hardware: x86_64
    operating system: Linux
    Fortran compiler: Intel ifort Version 20160415
and compatible systems.
       Licence query: Successful

*** End of NAG Library implementation details ***

 This program was run on the following date:
 *** ----------------------------------------- ***

[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ alias ifort
alias ifort='ifort -I/share/apps/libraries/nag/fll6i26dcl/nag_interface_blocks -L/share/apps/libraries/nag/fll6i26dcl/lib -lnag_nag'
32-bit integers
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/cll6i262cl/examples/source/a00adce.c ./
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load gcc/7.3.0
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load nag/cll6i262cl-gcc
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ gcc a00adce.c
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ./a.out
nag_implementation_separated_details (a00adc) Example Program Results

*** Start of NAG C library implementation details ***

 Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, Intel C/C++ (32-bit integers)
            Precision: double
         Product Code: CLL6I262CL
                 Mark: 26.2
       Vendor library: None
 Applicable to:
             hardware: x86_64
     operating system: Linux 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64
           C compiler: Intel icc Version 20171018
     Fortran compiler: Intel ifort Version 20171018
 and compatible systems.
        Licence query: Successful

 *** End of NAG C Library implementation details ***

 This program was run on the following date:
   Wed Jul  3 17:55:12 2019
64-bit integers
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/cll6i261dl/examples/source/a00adce.c ./
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load gcc/7.3.0
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load nag/cll6i262dl-gcc
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ gcc a00adce.c
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ./a.out
nag_implementation_separated_details (a00adc) Example Program Results

*** Start of NAG C library implementation details ***

 Implementation title: Linux, 64-bit, Intel C/C++ (64-bit integers)
            Precision: double
         Product Code: CLL6I262DL
                 Mark: 26.2
       Vendor library: None
 Applicable to:
             hardware: x86_64
     operating system: Linux 2.6.32-696.6.3.el6.x86_64
           C compiler: Intel icc Version 20171018
     Fortran compiler: Intel ifort Version 20171018
 and compatible systems.
        Licence query: Successful

 *** End of NAG C Library implementation details ***

 This program was run on the following date:
   Wed Jul  3 18:17:51 2019


Legacy NAG release 4 (not recommended)

Intel Fortran 32-bit
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/fnlux04del/examples/source/nag_lib_support_ex01.f90 ./ 
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ source /share/apps/compilers/intel/ -arch ia32 -platform linux 
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load nag/fnlux04del 
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ifort -lnagfl90_nag nag_lib_support_ex01.f90 
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ./a.out 
  *** Start of NAG Fortran 90 Library implementation details ***

  Implementation title: IA32, Linux, Intel Fortran
          Product Code: FNLUX04DE
               Release: 4A
             Precision: double (KIND=  8)

  *** End of NAG Fortran 90 Library implementation details ***
Sun Studio Fortran
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ cp /share/apps/libraries/nag/fnlux04del/examples/source/nag_lib_support_ex01.f90 ./
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load solstudio/12.6
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ module load nag/fnl6a04ddl
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ sunf90 nag_lib_support_ex01.f90
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ ./a.out
  *** Start of NAG Fortran 90 Library implementation details ***

  Implementation title: AMD64/EM64T, Linux 64, SUN Fortran
          Product Code: FNL6A04DD
               Release: 4A
             Precision: double (KIND=  8)

  *** End of NAG Fortran 90 Library implementation details ***
[qx901702@racc-login-0-4 tmp]$ alias sunf90
alias sunf90='sunf90 -I/share/apps/libraries/nag/fnl6a04ddl/nagfl90_modules -L/share/apps/libraries/nag/fnl6a04ddl/lib -lnagfl90_nag'