About me
My research focuses predominately on pain, examining psychological processes underlying how pain is processed, as well as individual differences in the ability to modulate (or control) the experience of pain.
I consider myself a truly interdisciplinary researcher, working across disciplines, clinics and patient populations. Pain is a multi-faceted phenomenon, and requires a multi-disciplinary viewpoint to understand.
My current work includes 1) investigating the neuropsychological mechanisms underpinning recovery from chronic pain, and the use of experimental surgical procedures for treating osteoarthritis. 2) Exploring the influence of systemic inflammation in the development of chronic pain following long COVID. 3) The socioculture inadequecies in women’s health and, specifically, pain management during outpatient gynaecological procedures and 4) The mechanisms of pain modulation that underlie the analgesic effect of swearing.
CINN research I am involved with
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