ENIGMA-Language (ENIGMA-LANG) is a new working group aiming to focus on the neurobiology of language, one of the most fundamental traits of our species, in order to investigate associations between brain structure, genotype and language measures. This will be investigated in both directions, including how brain structure and genetics predict performance in language tasks, but also how cognitively challenging linguistic experiences, e.g., bi/multilingualism, can affect the structure of the brain.
ENIGMA-LANG Working Group Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): ENIGMA-Language Working Group members are asked to sign a short MoU agreement that has been standardized across the ENIGMA projects and provides basic framework to protect data privacy, facilitate data sharing, encourage academic productivity, ensure appropriate authorship and publication credit, and implements a system to track and archive data, analyses and publications related to the ENIGMA-Language Working Group.
Working Group chairs: Christos Pliatsikas (CINN/Reading), Narly Golestani (Geneva), Vincent DeLuca (Tromsø), Michael Ullman (Georgetown), and Simon Fisher (MPI).
There is an active search for international collaborators to join ENIGMA-Language. For further information please visit the ENIGMA-LANG website.