We would be grateful if you could assist us by participating in our study investigating the effect of different cereal mixes on cognitive, vascular and neural function. You will be required to attend the University of Reading for one short practice session and 4 full days (each separated by a week), and will opt-in for either vascular or neural assessment alongside the cognitive measures.

To participate you must meet the following criteria:

  • Aged 65 – 80
  • Daily fruit and vegetable intake ≤ 4 portions per day
  • Not regularly consuming more than 3 servings of fish per week
  • Good understanding of the English language

Unfortunately, the following would make you ineligible to take part in this particular study:

  • Diagnosis of any psychiatric, cardiometabolic or gastrointestinal disorders
  • Anaemia
  • ADHD or dyslexia diagnosis
  • Antibiotic use within 3 months of signing up
  • Blood thinning or anticoagulant medication
  • Unmedicated high blood-pressure
  • Any food allergy or intolerance

For more information please contact Lynne bell (l.bell@reading.ac.uk)