Dr McCabe, the Director of Outreach for PCLS (School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences), along with the help of undergraduate mentors hosted the first Psychology Reading Scholars Programme on 28th February. As part of the day, the imaging team of the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics (Inge Lasser, Shan Shen), with strong support by PhD student Laura Burgess, explained to the group what neuroscience researchers work on and what the career path to become a neuroscientist can look like. We took students for a tour of the MRI Unit explaining about the day-to-day work we do there.

The Reading Scholars programme aims to give Year 12 students a real taste of life as a university undergraduate, and to provide practical support as participants begin their Higher Education application process.

Visit the University outreach pages for further details about theĀ Reading Scholars programme.