2024 Research Awards

We’re delighted to announce the winners of this year’s Research Awards. This year’s Awards included a new Interdisciplinary Research category and we received a number of high quality entries on a broad range of topics, reflecting the creativity and impact, and depth and breadth, of research activities taking place across the University.
The Awards celebrate excellent research taking place across the University that addresses real-world problems using interdisciplinary approaches, is built on partnership and collaboration and engages a wide range of audiences.
Research engagement, collaboration and impact take many forms and this year entries were submitted to one of four categories: External Collaboration and Innovation, Interdisciplinary Research, Public Engagement with Research and Research Impact.
Each of the shortlisted projects described here addresses a significant challenge and engages individuals, organisations or communities to bring about positive change: from revitalising Ghana’s cocoa farming to safeguarding mobility for diversity via an LGBTQ+ travel tool. Disciplines represented in the shortlist include Classics, Crop Science, Education, English Literature, Environmental Science, International Development, Law and Meteorology.
Download our 2024 Research Awards brochure to read more about the shortlisted projects or click on the boxes below.
External Collaboration and Innovation
This award celebrates external engagement and the development of lasting and successful non-academic collaborations in research and innovation regionally, nationally or globally.
Interdisciplinary Research
This award recognises individuals or teams who undertake original and innovative interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research.
Public Engagement with Research
This award recognises achievement in research-led public engagement.
Research Impact
This award recognises individuals or teams who have achieved impact from research to address real-world problems and change the world around us, locally, nationally or globally.