Earth Day 2023

To celebrate Earth Day on 22 April 2023, staff from across the University have shared their own poems on the theme of ‘re-imagining our world’ and climate research.

To walk by your side – Selva Dhandapani

Selva Dhandapani celebrates the beauty of the Thames in ‘To walk by your side’.

Futility of despair – Pen Cabot

Pen Cabot rallies against ‘the futility of despair’ surrounding climate action.

God or Nature – Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson draws connections between the natural world and the manmade world.

Broken record – Hannah Cloke

Hydrologist Hannah Cloke feels like a broken record when it comes to warning people about the climate emergency.

Not – Karín Lesnik-Oberstein

Karín Lesnik-Oberstein urges the world to stop hoping and start taking action for the climate in her poem ‘Not’.

Suncream in December – Alison Arkell

Alison Arkell hopes that her children will never need to ask why they need to wear suncream in December.

Turning the clock back – Mona Ashok

Mona Ashok urges readers to turn the clock back on climate change.