JULES 4.7 Northern Hemisphere Animations

Sample JULES4.7 Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Processes Simulation
(by Patrick McGuire, Pier Luigi Vidale, Alberto Martinez de la Torre and Grenville Lister)

These animations were produced from the Rose/Cylc suite u-ar428 with JULES4.9 (with 0.5 hour time steps) that dumped the data to disk every 6 hours of simulation calendar time, by using:
i) a CSH script (see below) that uses CDO to do the monthly averaging for the 11 year data set, which creates a new NETCDF file;
ii) the interactive software, Panoply (version 4.8.5), that uses the new monthly-averages NETCDF file and saves the PNG animation frames to disk (the MP4 export option didn’t work); and
iii) this ImageMagick command to merge the PNG frames into an animated GIF:
convert -set delay 0 -colors 256 -dispose 1 -loop 1 precip*.png precip_1979_1989.gif

CSH monthly-averaging script:
#! /bin/csh
set prefix=’Euro44_bvv_nancil_CTL-BCJ-NH_jules-vn4.7_u-ar428globeC.6-hourly.’
set prefix2=’Euro44_bvv_nancil_CTL-BCJ_jules-vn4.7_u-ar428globeC_monmean_’

foreach yr (1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989)
cdo monmean ${prefix}${yr}.nc ${prefix2}${yr}.nc

cdo mergetime ${prefix2}1979.nc ${prefix2}1980.nc ${prefix2}1981.nc ${prefix2}1982.nc ${prefix2}1983.nc ${prefix2}1979_1983.nc

cdo mergetime ${prefix2}1984.nc ${prefix2}1985.nc ${prefix2}1986.nc ${prefix2}1987.nc ${prefix2}1988.nc ${prefix2}1984_1988.nc

cdo mergetime ${prefix2}1979_1983.nc ${prefix2}1984_1988.nc ${prefix2}1989.nc ${prefix2}1979_1989.nc


Contact Info:

Email: P.McGuire@reading.ac.uk
Department of Meteorology, and
Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
University of Reading