This should get you started with setting up your environment on JASMIN so that it can use ANcillary Tools and Suites (ANTS). This is not necessary to do to run JULES, but it could be useful for creating custom ancillary files that are used by JULES.

  1. You will need to apply for and receive the ncas_generic group workspace privilege if you haven’t already.
  2. Log out of sci* . It is important to log out, to make sure your PATH is clean and in its original state.
  3. ssh in to one of the sci* Virtual Machines (VMs)
  4. Type:
    source ~pmcguire/from_valeriu/
  5. Type:
    which python
  6. It should say:
  7. Type:
    ls -ltr /gws/nopw/j04/ncas_generic/users/pmcguire/anaconda3/envs/ants_env/bin/python
  8. It should say:
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 pmcguire users 9 Mar 7 2019 /gws/nopw/j04/ncas_generic/users/pmcguire/anaconda3/envs/ants_env/bin/python → python2.7
    Note: this is python2.7 not python3.7.
  9. Type:
  10. Type:
    import ants
    this can sometimes take 5 minutes or so before you get back to the open Python prompt again, so be patient. Maybe someday we can try to speed-up this loading. But for the time being, we will work with the slow loading.
  11. Then you can run your Python commands that use ANTS from the Python command-line. Or you can submit a SLURM batch job that uses ANTS Python programs, etc.
  12. If you ever need to switch back to the regular version of Python instead of the one where the ANTS environment is set up, the easiest way is to log out of the sci* VM. The second easiest way is to change your .bash* script or your .profile script to remember your initial PATH variable prior to running the script, and then invoke the command after the ANTS session to go back to the initial PATH.
  13. These instructions above will give you access to an older ANTS build (version 0.6dev). There is also an ANTS build working in a Singularity container that works on JASMIN and ARCHER2. It is version 0.15, which is newer. It’s pretty easy to use. It is described at:

The main WIKI for ANTS is at:
and the user guide is here: