More advanced global JULES suites

We have several revisions to the u-as052 suite for JULES global modelling. The u-as052 suite used Brooks & Corey soil hydraulics with ‘old’ mineral ancillary files with 35 years of spinup.

The u-av764 suite uses van Genuchten (VG) soil hydraulics with ‘old’ mineral ancillary files with 100 years of spinup.

The u-av768 suite uses Brooks & Corey (BC) soil hydraulics with ‘old’ mineral ancillary files with 100 years of spinup.

The u-aw198 suite uses Brooks & Corey (BCJ) soil hydraulics with ‘new’ mineral ancillary files with 100 years of spinup.

Again, you may not immediately need or want to rerun these exact models (it might take 2-3 weeks), but you might want to generate alternative animations or plots from the NETCDF output files available below. There are example plotting routines available on the time-series and animation links.

One needs ncas_generic group workspace privilege to view the input and output data, so apply for this at the JASMIN Accounts Portal, if you haven’t already. For these revised global suites, the user should also apply for access to the nexcs group workspace as well.

The path on CEDA JASMIN to the WFDEI driving data is: /gws/nopw/j04/ncas_generic/users/pmcguire/WFDEI

The output monthly-average NETCDF files have been archived for future use and alternative plotting on CEDA JASMIN at:

The original 6-hourly output NETCDF files are available at (with filenames corresponding to the suite number):
If you want access to these 6-hourly output NETCDF files, you can apply for nexcs group workspace privilege at the JASMIN accounts portal. Please request ‘read-only’ nexcs group workspace privilege.