
Works Cited for Waiting for Godot

Beckett, Samuel, Proust and Three Dialogues (London: John Calder, 1965)

The Letters of Samuel Beckett: Vol. 2, 1941-1956, eds. Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Martha, George Craig, Dan Gunn, and Lois More Overbeck (Cambridge: CUP, 2011)

Bradby, David, Beckett: Waiting for Godot (Cambridge: CUP, 2001)

Brater, Enoch, Beyond Minimalism: Beckett’s Late Style in the Theater (Oxford: OUP, 1987)

Ten Ways of Thinking About Samuel Beckett: The Falsetto of Reason (London; New York: Bloomsbury, 2011)

Cohn, Ruby, ‘Beckett’s German Godot’, JOBS, 1 (1976)

Cohn, Ruby, From Desire to Godot: Pocket Theater of Post War Paris (London: Calder Publications, 1998)

Cohn, Ruby, Just Play: Beckett’s Theater (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980)

Cronin, Anthony, Samuel Beckett: The Last Modernist (London: Flamingo, 1997)

Duckworth, Colin, Angels of Darkness (New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1972)

Gontarski, S. E. ed., On Beckett: Essays and Criticism (London; New York: Anthem Press, 2012)

Kalb, Jonathan, Beckett in Performance (Cambridge: CUP, 1991)

Kenner, Hugh, A Reader’s Guide to Samuel Beckett (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996)

Knowlson, James and Elizabeth eds.,Beckett Remembering Remembering Beckett (London: Bloomsbury, 2006)

Knowlson, James and John Haynes, Images of Beckett (Cambridge: CUP, 2003)

McKinney, John and Philip Butterworth, The Cambridge Introduction to Scenography (Cambridge: CUP, 2009)

McMullan, Anna and Daisy Bowie-Sell, ‘When Becket wrote Waiting for Godot he really didn’t know a lot about theatre’, The Telegraph, 5 January 2013 [Accessed 29 December 2018]

Mercier, Vivian, ‘Beckett’s Waiting for Godot’, Irish Times, 18 February 1956. Review.

Morash, Christopher, A History of Irish Theatre 1601-2000 (Cambridge: CUP, 2002), 199-209.

Pilling, John ed., The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Beckett (Cambridge: CUP, 1994)

Sontag, Susan, ‘Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo’, Performing Arts Journal, 47 (1994), 87-105.

Wilkinson, Judith, ‘When Alberto Giacometti met Samuel Beckett’, Tate [Accessed 28 March 2019]

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Staging Beckett team members, Matthew McFrederick and Professor Anna McMullan, alongside Walter Asmus and Dr Nick Johnson at the TCD Beckett Summer School. IMG_3277
Walter Asmus in conversation with Nick Johnson for the second Staging Beckett public talk at the Beckett Summer School, August 2014.
James Knowlson with Richard Wilson and the BBC Artsnight team at the University of Reading, July 2015.
Richard Wilson and James Knowlson during the filming of the BBC's upcoming Artsnight episode dedicated to Samuel Beckett, July 2015.
Lisa Dwan and Walter Asmus at the Royal Court, December 2013.
Lisa Dwan and Anna McMullan interview University of Reading, March 2018.
Samuel Beckett directing the San Quentin Drama Workshop actors Bud Thorpe and Rick Cluchey. (Photo by Chris Harris, David Gothard Collection.)
Billie Whitelaw's dress for Footfalls
Godot, Gare St Lazare, 2014.
Conor Lovett in Godot, Gare St Lazare, 2014.
Fizzles, 'Beckett in the City'. Photo courtesy of Company SJ., 2013.
Beckett observing rehearsals at the Riverside Studios. (Photo by Chris Harris, David Gothard Collection.)
Waiting for Godot at 60: An Exhibition, 2015.
Exhibition photo, 2014.
Exhibition photo, 2014.
Exhibition photo, 2014.
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
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Staging Beckett team members, Matthew McFrederick and Professor Anna McMullan, alongside Walter Asmus and Dr Nick Johnson at the TCD Beckett Summer School. IMG_3277
Walter Asmus in conversation with Nick Johnson for the second Staging Beckett public talk at the Beckett Summer School, August 2014.
James Knowlson with Richard Wilson and the BBC Artsnight team at the University of Reading, July 2015.
Richard Wilson and James Knowlson during the filming of the BBC's upcoming Artsnight episode dedicated to Samuel Beckett, July 2015.
Lisa Dwan and Walter Asmus at the Royal Court, December 2013.
Lisa Dwan and Anna McMullan interview University of Reading, March 2018.
Samuel Beckett directing the San Quentin Drama Workshop actors Bud Thorpe and Rick Cluchey. (Photo by Chris Harris, David Gothard Collection.)
Billie Whitelaw's dress for Footfalls
Godot, Gare St Lazare, 2014.
Conor Lovett in Godot, Gare St Lazare, 2014.
Fizzles, 'Beckett in the City'. Photo courtesy of Company SJ., 2013.
Beckett observing rehearsals at the Riverside Studios. (Photo by Chris Harris, David Gothard Collection.)
Waiting for Godot at 60: An Exhibition, 2015.
Exhibition photo, 2014.
Exhibition photo, 2014.
Exhibition photo, 2014.
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
Staging Beckett conference at the University of Reading, 5 April 2014
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