We were delighted to share the findings of our research project, Care, Inequalities, and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe at two events in the North of England where we…Read More >
University of Reading
Launch of the Care, Inequalities, and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe Report – Event Highlights
The launch of our Care, Inequalities, and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe report was held on 5th November 2024 at the Reading International Solidarity Centre, bringing together community leaders,…Read More >
Launch of free ESOL Learning Resources on ‘Family challenges’
MESH (Migrant English Support Hub) have developed some free learning resources on ‘Family Challenges’ based on the video on ‘Young Caregiving in Transnational Families’ produced by the Transnational Families in…Read More >
Report reveals challenges facing transnational families in Europe and calls for policy reform
A new report brings to light the unique and often overlooked challenges faced by families living across national borders. As transnational families grow in number due to migration, they face…Read More >
Launch of film: Challenges of applying for a family visa to meet care needs
We are pleased to launch our second film, Applying for a Visa to Meet Care Needs, co-produced with transnational family members and Rank and File Theatre performers during participatory feedback…Read More >
Launch of film: Young Caregiving in Transnational Families
We are pleased to launch our film, Young Caregiving in Transnational Families, co-produced with transnational family members and Rank and File Theatre performers during participatory feedback workshops in England. The…Read More >
Actors with lived experience of migration and the research team co-produce theatre with transnational families
As part of the research project on care, inequalities and wellbeing among transnational families, the research team ran a series of participatory feedback workshops with transnational families in England who…Read More >
New Policy Brief: Migrant and Refugee Organisations in the UK as spaces of Care
We are pleased to publish our new Policy Brief exploring the role of migrant and refugee organisations in the UK in creating spaces of care for refugee and other migrant…Read More >
Symposium: 4th June 2024
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates both in-person and online (plenary sessions only) for our Symposium on Migration, Care and Intersecting inequalities, which takes place at the University of…Read More >
Impact of COVID-19 on migrant families in the UK – new Policy Brief
We are pleased to publish a new policy brief on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant families in the UK. This Policy Brief analyses the impact of the…Read More >