We are pleased to publish two documentaries produced by the Spain team and community researchers, as part of the Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe research project…Read More >
University of A Coruña (UDC)
Report reveals challenges facing transnational families in Europe and calls for policy reform
A new report brings to light the unique and often overlooked challenges faced by families living across national borders. As transnational families grow in number due to migration, they face…Read More >
Symposium: 4th June 2024
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates both in-person and online (plenary sessions only) for our Symposium on Migration, Care and Intersecting inequalities, which takes place at the University of…Read More >
Public seminar today: Intergenerational Care across the Lifecourse in Transnational Families
We are pleased to share the findings of two papers from our Transnational Families in Europe research project today at a hybrid public seminar: Intergenerational care across the lifecourse in…Read More >
Research team presents at IMISCOE conference, Warsaw
The research team presented preliminary findings from our research project “Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing” at the IMISCOE Annual Conference held in Warsaw (Poland) in July 2023….Read More >
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants in Spain
We are pleased to publish our first policy brief on the impact of the pandemic among the immigrant population in Spain: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on immigrant population in Spain_…Read More >
Caring across borders & inequalities faced by migrant families in Europe – new project launched
Hidden inequalities in access to health, social care and welfare support faced by refugee and other migrant families in the UK and other European countries will be investigated as part…Read More >