The project’s French team, based at the University of Aix-Marseille, have produced two documentary films resulting from their collaboration with transnational families negotiating caring relationships across continents. The films draw…Read More >
caring at a distance
Launch of movies: Caring across distance in transnational families in Sweden
The Swedish team of the project has produced three short movies documenting some of the issues transnational families face in Sweden, based on research with families. Together with project partner,…Read More >
Actors with lived experience of migration and the research team co-produce theatre with transnational families
As part of the research project on care, inequalities and wellbeing among transnational families, the research team ran a series of participatory feedback workshops with transnational families in England who…Read More >
Research team presents at IMISCOE conference, Warsaw
The research team presented preliminary findings from our research project “Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing” at the IMISCOE Annual Conference held in Warsaw (Poland) in July 2023….Read More >
Caring across borders & inequalities faced by migrant families in Europe – new project launched
Hidden inequalities in access to health, social care and welfare support faced by refugee and other migrant families in the UK and other European countries will be investigated as part…Read More >
Launch of #TransnationalFamilies in Europe research project!
We are delighted to announce the launch of our exciting new research project, Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing. This innovative comparative research project will investigate the relationships…Read More >