We are pleased to publish two documentaries produced by the Spain team and community researchers, as part of the Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe research project…Read More >
transnational families
Launch of free ESOL Learning Resources on ‘Family challenges’
MESH (Migrant English Support Hub) have developed some free learning resources on ‘Family Challenges’ based on the video on ‘Young Caregiving in Transnational Families’ produced by the Transnational Families in…Read More >
Launch of movies: Caring across distance in transnational families in Sweden
The Swedish team of the project has produced three short movies documenting some of the issues transnational families face in Sweden, based on research with families. Together with project partner,…Read More >
Family feedback workshop in Reading, UK
On the 24th of October 2023, we held a workshop at the University of Reading to share key messages from our study with transnational families who had participated in the…Read More >
Celebrating community researchers’ work with migrant transnational families
Community researchers have been central to the participatory approach undertaken in the Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing research project, led by Ruth Evans, University of Reading and…Read More >
Channel tragedy highlights unfair family reunion policies for transnational families
On International Migrants Day, 18 December 2021, we reflect on the recent Channel tragedy and the impacts of immigration policies on transnational families. On 24 November this year, 27 people…Read More >