"I always thought that our daughter was over-sensitive and a real worrier. Last year, her worries escalated to the point where my wife and I approached our GP for advice. He referred her to CAMHS. This was a difficult time for us as we had no idea what to expect. However, CAMHS put us in touch with the Anxiety and Depression in Young People (AnDY) clinic, at the University of Reading, and after a thorough assessment they diagnosed our daughter with General Anxiety Disorder.
To help her (and us) cope with and manage her anxiety better, we attended a five-week Overcoming Anxiety course run by the AnDY clinic. We joined other parents to learn more about anxiety, how it manifests itself and what we could do to help our daughter manage and, over time, eventually resolve her anxieties.
The Overcoming Anxiety course facilitators allowed us to share our experiences and were extremely knowledgeable and supportive. The course was cathartic and enlightening. Most importantly to us, it was a relief to be in the company of others who understood what we were going through.
Thanks to the course our daughter has made significant progress in overcoming her anxieties. We know we have a long journey ahead of us, but we are hopeful that eventually our daughter will feel better about life.
I cannot recommend the Overcoming Anxiety course highly enough. Thank you AnDY!"