
Current Research

Join our Treatment of Panic Disorder in Adolescents (PANDA) Study

The AnDY Research Clinic is looking for people between the ages of 11 and 18 to join a study on the treatment of panic disorder in young people.

People with panic disorder experience repeated panic attacks (which may come out of the blue) and can worry that there might be something seriously wrong with them, that they might look silly or lose control. As a result, they typically worry about having further panic attacks and might change their behaviour to avoid having panic attacks in the future (e.g., by avoiding certain activities or places).

If your GP is based in Berkshire, and you have panic disorder you may be eligible to take part in the study.

You can find out more about the study by watching this short video.

The following information booklets provide more information (Panda Trial Information for Parents, Panda Trial Information for Young People).

The study is being led by Dr Polly Waite. If you or your child might be interested in taking part please get in touch with us by emailing us at