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At the end of October a group of teenagers, their parents and researchers from the AnDY unit got together for our first Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group. This is a new and exciting group in which young people and their parents can get involved with helping us carry out research into anxiety and depression in young people. PPI is an active partnership between the researchers, patients and the public and we hope to grow this partnership over the coming year. Research has shown that when researchers and patients and/or the public work together it can ensure that the research is relevant and helpful to those who are receiving treatment.

After an ice breaker session making stress balls out of balloons and rice (it’s harder than it sounds!!)  the young people helped design a questionnaire for one of the studies and reviewed a web based programme that helps with sleep while the parents looked at online treatment programmes and a treatment called Behavioural Activation for depression. Those who attended said they found it a very valuable opportunity and appreciated the chance to learn more about the research that the AnDY group is carrying out. They found it a relaxed atmosphere in which to meet other people and were hoping to have opportunities for further involvement.

We are therefore planning our next series of events and if anyone else would like to get involved then please do contact Sarah by emailing

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