Some projects are discrete, lasting a finite amount of time. Others are a work in progress. In the latter category is the continuing work of Dr Helen Bilton to promote the value of outdoor teaching and learning for young children.

For more than 35 years, Dr Bilton’s passion for children learning through outdoor exploration has defined her career. Teachers, schools, parents and policy makers have all benefited from Dr Bilton’s many research papers, books and projects, which demonstrate the centrality of the outdoor environment for young children, particularly in terms of their physical, social and linguistic development.

Books such as Playing Outside and Outdoor Learning in the Early Years have sold in their thousands, and have become essential reading for Key Stage 1 practitioners as well as trainee teachers and their tutors. Bilton has had an impact on outdoor learning projects as far afield as Canada and Portugal, while closer to home she is currently working with Reading Borough Council to help its staff enhance the outdoor development of children’s spoken language skills.

Shortlisted for the University Research Engagement and Impact Awards 2017

First published: June 2017