WordPress help

Here are some hints and tips for editing this site. Please add useful stuff yourself.

  • Editing can be started by going to https://research.reading.ac.uk/met-darc/wp-admin/
  • Always click the update button before navigating away (otherwise edits will be lost).
  • Pages are added under pages ⇒ add new.
  • Pages can be structured in a hierarchy by going to pages ⇒ tree view and dragging and dropping.
  • Menus can be edited by going to appearance ⇒ customise ⇒ menus ⇒ main menu
    • Add items to the menus first, then
    • Reorder (to reorder and/or make hierarchy).
  • I believe that the main home page cannot be modified by us with our own text – we can only changed the headers, footers, menus, and featured pages, etc.
  • Signatures of the web pages can be modified by theme customiser ⇒ widgets ⇒ Footer1/2/3.
  • Add graphics by first going using the media option (to upload graphics to the library) and then include the media while editing the page. I have encountered bugs when trying to upload graphics without first going through the media option.
  • Videos should be kept on YouTube, Twitter feeds should be kept on twitter, etc.
  • Should use <h1>, <h2>, etc instead of our own formatting.
  • Pages can be made private, or password protected by going to pages ⇒ all pages ⇒ quick edit.

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