DARC library

Data Assimilation Research Centre Mini Library

The following books are available for loan to DARC staff and students. Please sign books out so we know where they are!

Author(s) Title Owner Location
Bennett Inverse methods in physical oceanography DARC 3L62
Bennett Inverse modeling of the ocean and atmosphere DARC 3L62
Daley Atmospheric data analysis DARC 3L62
Evensen Data assimilation – the ensemble Kalman filter DARC 3L62
Gelb (ed.) Applied optimal estimation DARC 3L62
Goulub, van Loan Matrix computations DARC 3L62
Gurney, Foster, Parkinson Atlas of satellite observations related to global change DARC 3L62
Jazwinski Stochastic processes and filtering theory DARC 3L62
Lamport Latex – a document preparation system – user’s guide and reference manual DARC 3L62
Lewis, Lakshmivarahan, Dhall Dynamic data assimilation: a least squares approach DARC 3L62
Nocedal, Wright Numerical optimization DARC 3L62
Pielke Mesoscale meteorological modeling DARC 3L62
Robert, Casella Monte Carlo statistical methods DARC 3L62
Rodgers Inverse methods for atmospheric sounding – theory and practice DARC 3L62
Strang Computation science and engineering DARC 3L62
Tarantola Inverse problem theory DARC 3L62
WMO Seamless prediction of the Earth system: from minutes to months DARC 3L62
Wunsch Discrete inverse and state estimation problems – with geophysical fluid applications DARC 3L62


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