Prof. Steven Woolnough |
Prof. Emily Black
- The hydrological cycle and its associated hazards
- Land-atmosphere interactions and their impact on climate
- African climate and rainfall monitoring
Prof. Christopher Holloway
- Interaction between convection and the large-scale environment
- Tropical weather and climate
- Atmospheric convection and its organisation
Prof. Andrew Turner
- Fundamental monsoon processes and observations
- Tropical variability and prediction
- Climate change
Dr. Buwen Dong
- Coupled ocean atmosphere interaction
- Atlantic ocean variability and its impact on global climate
- Asian monsoon variability and predictability
Dr. Gui-Ying Yang
- Dynamics of atmospheric circulation and interaction between extratropics and tropics
- Equatorial wave behaviour in observations and models
- Impact of equatorial waves on tropical high impact weather
Dr. Linda Hirons
- Drivers of climate variability and change in Africa
- Sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability
- Climate services for society
Prof. Richard Allan
- Current and future change in the global water cycle
- Earth’s radiative energy balance and climate
- Testing simulation of the Earth’s climate with observations
Prof. Liz Stephens |
Prof. Pier Luigi Vidale
- High-resolution global climate modelling
- Land surface processes and biosphere-atmosphere interactions
- Quantification of risks posed by Tropical Cyclones
Dr. Victoria Boult |
Dr. Soumi Chakravorty |
Dr. Chimene Daleu |
Dr. Akshay Deoras
- Indian monsoon (subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions, ocean-atmosphere-land interaction, dynamics and precipitation processes of monsoon depressions)
- Variability of tropical climate systems
- Dynamics of extratropical cyclones over North India
Dr. Xiangbo Feng
Dr. Samantha Ferrett
- Equatorial waves and their links to high impact weather in Southeast Asia
- Representation of the tropical climate and weather in coupled climate models and forecast models
- Dynamics and teleconnections of modes of variability (e.g. ENSO) in the Tropical Pacific
Dr. Kevin Hodges |
Dr. Kieran Hunt
- Synoptic-scale tropical dynamics
- Machine learning applications in meteorology
- Extreme weather events, particularly over south Asia
Dr. Lauren James |
Dr. Eliza Karlowska
- Large-scale drivers of high-impact local events in the tropics in observations and models
- Madden-Julian Oscillation
Dr. Robert Lee
- MJO metrics for climate models
- Tropical-extratropical teleconnections on sub-seasonal timescales
Dr. Ross Maidment |
Dr. Paul-Arthur Monerie |
Dr. Daniel Shipley |