Sandy Harrison, Laia Comas Bru, and I went to the EGU in Vienna last week, I for the first time. It’s a huge and impressively wide-ranging conference (and in a…Read More >
Blog of the SPECIAL team members
EGU 2019. By Sandy Harrison
The SPECIAL group was part of the annual migration of European scientists to Vienna for the European Geosciences Union annual meeting again this year. The SISAL group was well represented…Read More >
CMIP6 Model Analysis Workshop: assessing future climate change given climate variability, predictability and uncertainty. By Sandy Harrison
The CMIP6 Model Analysis Workshop, held last week (25-28th March) in Barcelona, provided an opportunity for the various model intercomparison projects under the banner of CMIP to update the community…Read More >
New theoretic-based approach of quantifying climatic influences on tree-ring width. By Guangqi Li
The narrow-wide pattern of tree-ring width records past climate change, which makes tree-ring width a major archive for the palaeo climate reconstruction, especially for the last millennium. To use tree-ring…Read More >
FireMIP Sensitivity Experiments. By Sandy Harrison
It is very exciting to see that the FireMIP paper on the sensitivity of burnt area to environmental and anthropogenic controls, led by Lina Teckentrup, is now out in Biogeosciences…Read More >
Evaluating model outputs using integrated global speleothem records of climate change. By Laia Comas Bru
Although quantitative isotopic data from speleothems has been used to evaluate isotope-enabled model simulations in the past, currently no consensus exists regarding the most appropriate methodology through which achieve this….Read More >
SISAL: Bringing Added Value to Speleothem Research. By Laia Comas Bru
The introductory paper of the SISAL’s Special Issue in the open-access journal “Quaternary”, edited by Sandy Harrison and myself, is now published: In this editorial paper, we discuss some…Read More >
How does climate change in semi-arid Spain from 130,000 years ago? By Dongyang Wei
Our paper “Climate changes in interior semi-arid Spain from the last interglacial to the late Holocene” is now online in Climate of the Past Discussions ( In this paper, we…Read More >
LandCover6k European Land Use chapter meeting. By Sandy Harrison
LandCover 6k is an international initiative sponsored by the Past Global Changes (PAGES) project ( One of the goals is to create a global data set of anthropogenic land use…Read More >
Four in one blow. By Sandy Harrison
I feel like the tailor in Grimm’s Das tapfere Schneiderlein today, with four papers being submitted in one day. Dongyang’s persistence on getting the Villarquemado climate reconstruction paper submitted before…Read More >