We are pleased to share the findings of two papers from our Transnational Families in Europe research project today at a hybrid public seminar:

Intergenerational care across the lifecourse in transnational families

How do transnational families, separated by borders, maintain ties despite distance? How do parents, children and older people continue to care for each other across distance? This is a central question addressed by the European research project “Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing across Generations” (CAREWELL-TF).

The research teams will present some of the results of this project based on two forthcoming articles, one written by the French and Spanish teams and the other by the British and Swedish teams of researchers.

  • Berracas Birth, life and death of the transnational family: a multi-sited ethnography across Colombia, Spain and France.

With Polina Palash (postdoctoral researcher, Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, Telemme, Aix en Provence, France) and Andrea Souto Garcia (postdoctoral researcher, University of A Coruña, ESOMI, A Coruña, Spain).

  • Young people’s caregiving practices in transnational families: Insights from Sweden and the UK

With Rosa Mas Giralt,  co-Principal Investigator of Transnational Families in Europe project, Lifelong Learning Centre and School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK and Brigitte Suter, associate professor in International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER), Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Sweden.

The session will be discussed by Valentina Napolitano (sociologist, IRD, LPED, AMU, France) and Francesca Sirna (sociologist, CNRS, Centre Norbert Elias, EHESS, France).

For more information : https://mimed.hypotheses.org/3141

Organised by the Mimed network coordinators Virginie Baby-Collin, Luna Russo, Marie-Aude Salomon, and Polina Palash

Details and Zoom link:

Thursday 25th January 2024

2-4 pm (CET) / 1-3pm GMT

Venue : MMSH, Aix Marseille University, Zoom link for online participants: https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/88096331905?pwd=Q1VhS2l4R2pKamZPZjZWNncwcUc5UT09