The research team presented preliminary findings from our research project “Transnational Families in Europe: Care, Inequalities and Wellbeing” at the IMISCOE Annual Conference held in Warsaw (Poland) in July 2023. The research project is investigating the relationships between care, inequalities and wellbeing among different generations of transnational families in the UK, Spain, France and Sweden.

The 20th edition of the IMISCOE Annual Conference focused on the theme of “Migration and Time”. In our workshop, we shared preliminary findings on the temporary and more permanent changes in intergenerational caring responsibilities and mobility strategies experienced by the transnational families participating in our project during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.

The workshop brought together migration scholars from our project: Brigitte Suter (Malmö University), Rosa Mas Giralt (University of Leeds), Andrea Souto García (University of A Coruña), Laura Oso (University of A Coruña), Katarina Mozetič (Malmö University) as well as from other institutions (Domiziana Turcatti, University of Oxford) to explore how the temporal dimension can add depth to the analysis of transnational families’ care arrangements.

With the help of a very engaged and knowledgeable audience, the workshop considered short-term reconfigurations in the inter- or cross-generational caring roles and responsibilities of young- and middle-generation transnational family members during/post the Covid-19 pandemic and the potential longer-term implications of these reconfigurations for the opportunities and wellbeing of different generations.

Warsaw: Rosa Mas Giralt introducing our research project during the workshop on care in transnational families in the (post)Covid-19 era


Warsaw: Workshop presenters and attendees. From left to right: Domiziana Turcatti, Brigitte Suter, Rosa Mas Giralt, Kate Smith, Martha Montero-Sieburth, Hana Alhadi