CeLM Showcase

Do multilinguals think about space and time differently in their languages? What is the relationship between language learning and creativity? What happens in the brain when we learn new words, and how does neuro-degenerative disease affect multilingual speakers? How can photography address the experience of multilingual migrants and refugees?

At the Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM) we will be addressing these exciting questions in a series of five short online events. Join us to find out about the latest research on what it means to be multilingual today.

Each event will take place online on a Wednesday evening (6-7pm) from 16th June – 14th July, 2021. In each talk, we will provide an overview of our research in different areas, and discuss some example projects. All events are free, but you will need to pre-register here.


16th June, 6-7pm Language and Literacy
23rd June, 6-7pm Education
30th June, 6-7pm Migration
7th July, 6-7pm Neuroscience
14th July, 6-7pm Health

Language and Literacy (16th June)

1. Overview

2. Research project 1: How do second language learners understand and express motion events (‘She runs out of the house’ vs. ‘She exits the house running’)?

3. Research project 2: Multilingualism in the linguistic landscape: How do Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot residents in Nicosia (Cyprus) experience public signs which contain the language of the ‘former’ enemy?

Education (23rd June)

1. Overview

2. Research project 1: How are creativity and language learning related and can creativity be enhanced by certain classroom pedagogies? (https://www.creativeml.ox.ac.uk/research/language-learning)

3. Research project 2: How can teachers best support multilingual pupils and how do such pedagogies impact pupils’ literacy outcomes?

Migration (30th June)

1. Overview

2. Research project 1: Beyond the border. Sign of passages across European borders

3. Research project 2: Adult migrant learners and multilingualism

4. Research project 3: Formal and informal education for migrants in Palermo.

Neuroscience (7th July)

1. Overview

2. Research project 1: How does bilingualism affect brain structure and function?

3. Research project 2: What happens in the brain when we learn new words?

Health (14th July)

1. Overview

2. Research project 1: Clinical and theoretical importance of documenting language breakdown in bi- and multi-lingual individuals with stroke or Alzheimer’s disease

3. Research project 2: How can we understand developmental language disorders in speakers of different languages?