Who is running this project?
This project is led by PhD student Aniqa Leena, under the supervision of Dr. Naomi Flynn, Institute of Education and Prof. Suzanne Graham, Institute of Education. Aspire Community Trust, a network of schools in Southampton, are a collaborative partner in this project.
What is this project about?
This project aims to explore the impact of the Enduring Principles of Learning (EPoL) on pupils’ language and literacy attainment. EPoL is an evidence-informed rubric which has had success in observing, measuring, and improving classroom practice and academic outcomes in North American and European contexts. EPoL is suitable for all learners but is particularly beneficial for pupils who are considered English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. This project is nested within Dr. Flynn’s research exploring the use of EPoL as part of teachers’ professional development, and as such, our projects will concurrently explore the impact of EPoL on both teachers’ practice and pupil outcomes.
This study is funded by the ESRC/SeNSS and it is hoped that this project can contribute to the limited evidence base currently available regarding EAL pedagogy within the UK. The findings of this research are likely to be of interest to school leaders, teachers, researchers and other education professionals working closely with EAL pupils.