
As part of CeLM’s world-leading work on literacy and multilingualism, we have spoken to researchers from a wide range of disciplines and participants from different backgrounds and demographics to inform our research and practice. Find out more about how we engage with these groups with the aim of bringing bring direct benefits to society with our video library.


CeLM in conversation

Multilingual language and literacy development

Holly Joseph and Ludovica Serratrice talk about the challenges facing research on multilingual children in UK schools, issues around using standardised tests and the “monolingual norm” and the dominance of certain high status language sin the UK.

Supporting multilingual learners

Tony Capstick talks to Anna Tsakalaki about the use of home languages for psychosocial support in refugee education settings, as well as supporting multilingual families with literacy in the UK classroom context.

The bilingual brain

Christos Pliatsikas talks to Fraibet Aveledo about the potential benefits of bilingualism for the brain, in particular for older adults and patients with Multiple Sclerosis.

Interviews and discussions

Ana Paula and the Clubinho Verde Amarelo

CeLM researchers visited Brazilian Portuguese complementary school, Clubinho Verde Amarelo to interview teachers and parents.

The Brain Lab

Meet the researchers from the ‘Bilingualism and the Brain Lab’ to find out what goes on inside a bilingual brain.

Elizabeth Lanza talks about family language policy in multilingual households.

Amrita and Arpita: code switching

Amrita and her mother Arpita play together in two languages.

Ludovica Serratrice and Alessandra Valentini

Professor Serratrice and Dr Valentini talk about their exciting project about how bilingual children understand spoken and written text.

Noemi: a bilingual teenager

Noemi and her mother discuss the benefits and challenges of being a bilingual teenager in the UK.

Prof Suzanne Graham

Find out more about Prof Graham’s research on language learning.

Prof Annick De Houwer

Prof Annick De Houwer (University of Erfurt) on the transmission of the home language in bilingual families.

Prof Holly Joseph

Prof Joseph discusses her research on reading difficulties in children with English as an additional language.

Prof Naomi Flynn

Prof Flynn talks about her research and her experience as a teacher educator focusing on identifying best practices for professionals working with children with English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Workshops and talks