
Theme Co-Leads: Professor Suzanne Graham and Dr Rowena Kasprowicz

Education-focused research within CeLM explores issues relating to the development of languages in instructed settings and how the nature of instruction influences language development.

Interests span both first and second language learning and pedagogy, including learners of English as an additional language (EAL), second language acquisition, and learners of modern foreign languages in a UK context. Research covers learners from the pre-school years, through all school phases and into adulthood.

Our work considers many aspects of language learning and teaching in educational contexts but with a particular focus on:

  • Effective pedagogy for listening and teaching EAL children
  • Reading, writing and vocabulary development
  • Motivation for language learning especially at points of educational transition
  • Teacher development/cognition
  • Experiences of international students at university in the UK

We work closely with practitioners in a range of contexts. Our work influences curricula, practice and education policy on a national and international level.

View our current research projects on Education.