Partner 6:

Guardtime AS

Relevant Expertise

Guardtime AS is a systems engineering company, engaged in R&D in hash-based cryptography, building core technology and value-added solutions that provide real-time situational awareness into the integrity state of electronic systems and data. Guardtime is one of the world’s leading blockchain technology company. Guardtime’s blockchain-based Keyless Signature infrastructure has been in production since 2012.

The Guardtime core technology – the KSI® blockchain stack – enables its customers to know, and be able to forensically prove, whether any part of their systems or stored electronic data and logs has been changed, either by insiders, external actors, or technical malfunction. KSI blockchain, operating in production since 2007, provides a mathematically tamper-evident audit trail and evidence for post-incident investigations, establishing who, what and when with forensic precision.


Guardtime will be the main developer for the blockchain-based data integrity layer, contributing to BCaaS, secure contracting, digital identities, backend and frontend applications as well as other aspects of the project such requirements engineering, system integration and evaluation

Responsible Staff

Rando Kulla, Risto Laanoja, Tuuli Lõhmus