
Critical-Chains Stakeholders and Roles

Critical-Chains primary stakeholders are as follows:

  • Citizens and Companies as Bank Account Holders
  • Citizens and Companies as Insurance Policy Holders
  • Companies as a Contractee in any Financial Transaction
  • Banks as Financial Authorities, Financial Services Providers and Contractor
  • Central Counter-Party organisations (CCPs) as Clearing and Settlement Services Providers
  • Trading venues and Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) as alternatives to the traditional stock exchanges where a market is made in securities, typically using electronic systems (especially cryptocurrency stock markets)
  • Public Sector, Including Financial Services Security Monitoring & Regulatory Agencies

 The Socio-Economical-Technical Needs Context

Irregular and unaccountable transactions, cyber threats, non-user-friendly inefficient or impractical banking processes, complex contracting procedures and cumbersome financial market and insurance infrastructures constitute obstacles to European open market development.

Critical-Chains Responsible and Responsive Innovation

Enabling Technologies Responsive to the Socio-Econo-Technical Requirements
The underpinning concept of the project is the holistic protection and augmentation of the value of the chain through accountable, blockchain-enabled, practical, secure, privacy preserving, scalable and effective “Secure & Smart Contracts” and “Secure Transactions” in banking, CCP and insurance sectors.