

Critical-Chains is to be validated within 4 case studies aligned with 3 critical sectors as follows:

  • Banking
  • Financial market infrastructures
  • Insurance sector

This will evaluate system reliability, usability, user-acceptance, social acceptability, ethical, legal, privacy protection, environmental and legal compliance through the scrutiny of the Key performance Indicators, societal impacts and the geo-political and legal framework bridging the European economy with the rest of the world.

Evaluation & Refinement Methodology

The Critical-Chains research and innovation will follow a methodologically-guided user-centred iterative system development and refinement re-engineering approach including e.g. interpretivist normative and context-aware methodological frameworks such as UI-REF to ensure socially and ethically responsible and responsive research and innovation in full compliance with privacy-preserving and accountability regulations and standards.


Critical-Chains is to deliver and validate its innovation objectives within three Horizontal Use-Cases and one Vertical use-case as follows:

Horizontal Use-Cases
  • Banking Case #1 (contracting and transactions between companies)
  • Banking Case #2 (Interoperable Account Management)
  • Insurance Case Study (Claims Settlement Process)
  • CCP Case Study (Clearing Settlement)
Vertical Use-Case
  • Transportation Case Study (Electronic toll collection & back-office support operations)