Dig it! Archaeology for Children in the Past

Ure Museum Department Of Classics, University Of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading

A talk by Ure Museum Research Officer Amara Thornton on archaeology books for children. This event is in conjunction with a new temporary display at the Ure Museum on artist...Read More >


Talk and Demonstration: Allen Seaby and Colour Wood-Block Printing

Edith Morley Building, Room 35 Department of Classics, University of Reading, Whitekights, Reading

Martin Andrews (Sessional Lecturer, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication) will be discussing the life and work of Allen Seaby, followed by a demonstration of how to create a colour...Read More >


The Glory and the Grandeur

John Clarke Stobart and the defence of high culture in a democratic age Dr Chris Stray (Swansea) My subject is a pair of books published just before World War I:...Read More >