Dig it! Archaeology for Children in the Past
Ure Museum Department Of Classics, University Of Reading, Whiteknights, ReadingA talk by Ure Museum Research Officer Amara Thornton on archaeology books for children. This event is in conjunction with a new temporary display at the Ure Museum on artist...Read More >
Talk and Demonstration: Allen Seaby and Colour Wood-Block Printing
Edith Morley Building, Room 35 Department of Classics, University of Reading, Whitekights, ReadingMartin Andrews (Sessional Lecturer, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication) will be discussing the life and work of Allen Seaby, followed by a demonstration of how to create a colour...Read More >
The Glory and the Grandeur
John Clarke Stobart and the defence of high culture in a democratic age Dr Chris Stray (Swansea) My subject is a pair of books published just before World War I:...Read More >