• Engagement and Impact

    Research at the University of Reading

Research at the University of Reading addresses some of the biggest real world problems we face in the twenty-first century – from tackling climate change and providing food security to improving human health and understanding human culture.

Innovative engagement is an integral part of our research practice and research culture. Working across a broad range of disciplines, our researchers engage and collaborate with public and professional audiences to bring about positive change locally, nationally and internationally.

We engage with schools and community groups, charities and NGOs, businesses and industry, with museums and cultural groups, and with policy makers and policy shapers to ensure our research contributes to global debates and benefits the economic and social life of Reading and beyond.

DASHing towards faster drug discovery

Speedier drug discovery is now possible thanks to Reading computing software that allows complex molecular crystal structures to be solved faster than ever before. DASH is computer software that helps...Read More >

Improving urban weather forecasting

Researchers at the University of Reading have developed a new model for urban temperature forecasting that predicts how heat is captured and lost across the varying urban landscape. Forecasting temperatures...Read More >