The university is now looking to recruit postdocs and postgrads for the YES 2021 competition.

We are pleased to invite you to a session with Dr Simon Cutler Wednesday 14th of July 2021 at 12pm who will be talking to us about the Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES 2021) call.

Please join this session using the MS teams link shared via our latest newsletter if you are interested to know about this call.

The YES 2020 competition managed to attract a record-breaking 5 UoR teams (comprising 24 ECRs). Some happy memories can be seen in this video

The Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES)  is a competition which encourages UK postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers to develop business awareness and an understanding of entrepreneurship. The competition asks those taking part to prepare a business plan for a company.

Take a look at the website if you’d like to find out more about the scheme.