We are delighted to announce our next Lunchtime Seminar showcasing “Nutrition, APOE4 genotype and dementia risk: Our genes are not our destiny” presented by Professor Anne Marie Minihane, Head of Nutrition and Preventive Medicine, Norwich Medical School and Director of Norwich Institute of Healthy Ageing. The seminar will take place Friday 3rd November at 13.00 – 14.00 via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to join us please Click here to join the meeting and share the invitation within your school/group.


Almost 1.0 million people in the UK are living with dementia which is predicted to increase to 1.6 million by 2050. The spiralling costs for dementia include: 1) healthcare: 25% of those in hospital have dementia; 2) social care: 70% of nursing home residents have a dementia diagnosis; 3) informal care; and 4) lost productivity.  With limited drug options there is a great need for nutrition based strategies which promote neurocognitive function into older age. The seminar will focus on interventions such as a plant-based Mediterranean style diet, omega-3 fatty acids and HRT and their ability to mitigate the risk associated with APOE4 carrier status. An APOE4 genotype is the most important common genetic risk factor for dementia with a greater penetrance in females.