What does a scholarship involve?

The Scholarships cover both fees and stipend – a tax-free maintenance grant. You will also receive a Research Training and Support budget to cover costs such as conferences, workshops and equipment.

How do I choose my project? 

The successful candidate will design their project upon commencement of the PhD.

How long is the Scholarships for ? 

Scholarships are initially offered for 3 years and 3 months.

Can the scholarship be extended ? 

If a gap in knowledge or training is identified for the designed project, the studentship can be extended by an extra 6 months at that point.  Towards the end of the PhD, there is the opportunity to apply for an extension, based on set criteria. The maximum duration of funding is 4 years.

What are the eligibility criteria?

Scholarships are available to applicants who meet the following requirements:

    1. You must be eligible for a Home award. To be classed a Home student, candidates must meet one of these criteria, as set out by the UKRI:
      1. be a UK national (meeting residency requirements)
      2. have settled status
      3. have pre-settled status (meeting residency requirements)
      4. have indefinite leave to remain or enter.
    2. You must identify as Black, Asian, or minoritised ethnic (BAME). We recognise that BAME is an umbrella term highlighting some groups and not others and we emphasize that people of mixed heritage should feel encouraged to apply to these scholarships.
    3. You must meet the criteria based on academic performance and/or relevant previous experience

Applicants who are eligible for a Scholarship can also apply for project led studentships at the same time.

How does the application process differ from the project-based route?

We do ask for an additional statement regarding your interests in the Scenario science themes and you will be asked to confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the Scholarship.

How does the interview process differ from the project-based route?

For Scholarships, candidates are selected and interviewed by a panel formed of Selection Board members representing the 5 host institutes, plus the Scenario DTP Director and Co-Director.

What happens next if I am offered and accept a Scholarship?

The Scenario DTP will match you with potential supervisors based on their availability and your research interests and your supervisors will support you in the project design. One of your supervisors must be based at the University of Reading or the University of Surrey and there is an online list of supervisors and their interests.  You can also get an idea of the types of research we do in the Scenario DTP by looking at our current student projects