How to Harmonise

How do I create a Harmonisation input file?

Within the FIDUCEO project, two algorithms were developed to perform this processing, which aim to respect the full error correlation structure in the match-up series.  To find out more on what data is required from the sensor teams to achieve this, and how it should be arranged into input netCDF files. See Hunt, S., Quast, R., Mittaz, J., Harris, P., Woolliams, E., Giering, R. & Dilo, A., 2017, Harmonisation Input File Format Definition for more details.

What does the output look like?

To allow for ease of comparison between different approaches to the harmonisation problem within the FIDUCEO project, a common output data format was proposed, to be read by a shared diagnostic tool which can perform the set of tests and generate the set of plots agreed upon. The output is split between two types of file. A first output file contains the output of the optimisation and simple statistics describing the success of the process. A second set of files then contains the residuals of the fit per match-up series for diagnostic purposes. See Hunt, S. & Quast,2017, Harmonisation Output File Format Definition for more details.

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Useful Documents

Hunt, S., Quast, R., Mittaz, J., Harris, P., Woolliams, E., Giering, R. & Dilo, A., 2017, Harmonisation Input File Format Definition

Hunt, S. & Quast,2017, Harmonisation Output File Format Definition

Giering, R.,  uast, R., Mittaz, J., Hunt, S., Harris, P., Woolliams, E. & Merchant, C., 2019,   A Novel Framework to Harmonise Satellite Data Series for Climate Applications, Remote Sens., 11(9)