Implementing advanced quantitative methods in linguistics research

Implementing advanced quantitative methods in linguistics research (2021-2023)
Christos Pliatsikas, George Pontikas and Ian Cunnings
British Academy Talent Development Award

All fields of scientific enquiry need to constantly evolve by considering and incorporating recent advances in research methods and statistical interference. This is true of linguistics as it is other sciences. However, keeping up to speed cannot be achieved without regular and comprehensive training, especially for the newer generations of researchers. For these reasons, in this project we will hold a series of workshops on the application of advanced statistical methods (Bayesian inference, Generalised Additive Mixed-Models) to research questions in linguistics, which will be offered to researchers in linguistics and related fields. These workshops will be followed up by publications that will act as methodological primers.

We aim for these workshops to develop expertise in the field in order to form the basis of comprehensive regular training programmes around the UK and beyond, to equip linguistics researchers with the necessary analytical tools to enable new insights in different subfields of linguistics research.

Related Workshops
Introduction to Advanced Statistics for Language Sciences (June 23rd, 2023)
Satellite Workshop to International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB14)

Generalised Additive Mixed Models Workshop (December 12th – December 14th, 2022)
University of Reading

Bayesian Mixed-Effects Models Workshop (August 31st – September 2nd, 2022)
University of Reading

Related Papers
A special issue of Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism on Applying Advanced Quantitative Methods in Bi-/Multilingualism will be published in 2025. Details of accepted papers will appear here in due course.