The Samuel Beckett Summer School at Trinity College Dublin took place on 9 - 14 August 2015. Internationally renowned Beckett scholars gave lectures and seminars on a variety of subjects, including:

• "Beckett & Physics" - C. J. Ackerley
• "Beckett, Sensation & Agency" - Amanda Dennis
• "fMRI in Prose: Beckett and Neuroscience" - Lois Oppenheim
• "'as innocent as the sperm unspent': Sex and Power in Beckett's Works" - Paul Stewart
• "'The unthought and the harrowing': Samuel Beckett's Necessary Art" - Derval Tubridy
• "'Aspermatic Days and Nights': Samuel Beckett and an Anti-Genealogy of Contemporary Irish Poetry" - David Wheatley
• "The Loutishness of Learning: a roundtable on teaching Beckett" - chaired by Jonathan Heron

• Beckett and the Visual Arts. Led by Derval Tubridy and comprising four elements: 'Trace, Structure, Movement', 'Language, Subjectivity and the Performing / Speaking Body', 'Imaging the Text' and 'Re-Sounding Beckett'.
• Beckett and Poetry. Led by David Wheatley.
• Beckett's Manuscripts. Led by Mark Nixon and Dirk Van Hulle.
• Performance Workshop. Led by Jonathan Heron and Nicholas Johnson.
• Reading Group. Led by Sam Slote.

The internationally renowned Gare St. Lazare Ireland also gave an exclusive performance of the Beckett Trilogy to participants.

For more details about the event see here: